1. ls - view contents of directory (list) 2. pwd - path of the present directory 3. cd - change directory 4. mkdir - make new directory 5. mv - move files / rename files 6. cp - copy files 7. rm - remove files 8. touch - create blank new file 9. rmdir - delete directory 10. cat - list content of file to terminal 11. clear - clear terminal window 12. echo - move data into a file 13. less - Read text file one screen at a time 14. man - show manual of Linux commands 15. sudo - enables you to perform tasks that need administrative or root permissions 16. top - task manager in terminal 17. tar - want to archive multiple files into a tarball 18. grep - want to searching words in specific files 19. head - view first lines of any document 20. tail - view last lines of any document 21. diff - compares the contents of two files line by line 22. kill - used for killing unresponsive program 23. jobs - display all current jobs along side their statuses 24. sort - may be a instruction uti...
Git & GitHub Introduction If you’re new to programming or if you’ve joined a company you’ve heard about the terms Git & Github. Git was created by Linus Torvald. Let’s understand more about Git……..! What is Git? Git is a Distributed Version Control System whose goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. Why Git? It’s free # light weight Open Source # Work’s Offline Superfast # Easy to learn Scalable # Undo is easy Cheap merging/branching # Go with the flow The basic Git workflow goes something like this: You modify files in your working tree. You selectively stage just those changes you want to be part of your next commit, which adds only those changes to the staging area. You do a commit, which takes the files as they are in the staging area and stores that snapshot permanently to your Git directory. GitHub GitHub is an open-source version-control and collaboration platform for software developers. GitHub, which is delivered thr...